Should I Get a Dry Rot Repair or Replacement?

If the wood on your home feels squishy or looks decayed, you could have a dry rot situation on your hands. (Some other signs of dry rot include the smell of mildew or orange-brown spots or pieces of gray on the wood.)
This fungus moves fast from one part of a home to another, inching closer to areas of moisture. It is vital to fix dry rot right away to preserve the remaining wood and keep your home safe and intact.
Here at Top Form Contracting, we are experts in spotting dry rot and alerting our clients on the best course of action. In this blog, we’ll cover when it’s time for a dry rot repair or replacement so that you know what to do next.
Dry rot expands at an alarming rate–as much as 80 mm daily. While it needs some moisture to grow, there doesn’t have to be much of it. In fact, as little as 30 percent moisture in a given area is the prime breeding ground for dry rot. Also, it only needs to be about 66 to 70 degrees.
It is generally safe to repair dry rot, but there are times when a replacement is in order. In either case, it is important to work with a professional who has the expertise to get the job done right. This can ensure your home is safe, as is everyone who lives in the home.
If the wood is intact and sturdy with just one or two tiny rotted spots, a repair could be all you need. Dry rot repairs are also generally sufficient if the dry rot affects the siding or roof, as they do not affect your home’s structure.
As long as the dry rot is new, it shouldn’t be too difficult to repair. However, if it’s left for an extended period, it can move to the framing and cause you to have to consider other options. (The right contractor will know how to repair rotting wood without replacing it.)
Just remember that you must get rid of the dry rot and any damage completely before starting the repair process. (Have questions about how to prevent dry rot? Check out our blog here.)
It’s true that dry rot is generally safe to repair. However, it’s a good idea to replace the wood affected by dry rot if it is vital to your home’s structure. Some examples include beams and floorboards–in addition to framing.
Why is it important to replace the wood if dry rot affects these places? As we mentioned before, dry rot is a fungus, meaning that it starts small and enlarges fast, moving throughout your home. If you wait to replace the wood until it’s too late, the dry rot can cause great damage and lead to high repair costs.
At Top Form Contracting, we aim to help you avoid structural damage by repairing the wood or replacing the wood–whatever is necessary for a given circumstance. Our team will ensure that you never have to stress about whether the dry rot is gone. You can trust that we’ll handle it.

Whether you’re due for a dry rot repair or replacement, the first thing to do is remove any dry rot present in or on your home. A professional dry rot repair specialist, such as ourselves, can take care of this for you, making sure that no dry rot is left behind that could damage your home.
Rotted wood can indeed be repaired, but we don’t recommend treating it yourself. Instead of figuring out the specifics on how to remove dry rot safely, solicit the help of a friendly local contractor.
Top Form Contracting offers multiple years of experience in dry rot fixes, and we’d be happy to come to your home and let you know the damage. Then, if you’d like us to move forward with the repair, just ask. We’re here to help.
Need an affordable contractor who can take care of your dry rot repairs? Top Form Contracting is the place to call. Reach out to our Albany-based team online today, or give us a call at (541) 926-4597 for a free estimate.